Our choice on Stephen King film adaptations

Stephen King is a literary icon, a status he has achieved by defining a genre, writing brilliantly, and being prolific. In other words, he has not only written several genius novels (and short stories, novellas, essays, and works of criticism), but he has written a lot of them—50 novels to date, in fact, number 51 came up a few weeks ago.

Loads of Stephen King's novels have been many times adapted for the screen and, indeed, when we say many times, we mean many times. There exist up to 70 film adaptations based on a novel by Stephen King from the earliest in 1976 to the latest released in March 2018.

Here is our definitive top 4 list of the best Stephen King film adaptations, click here  to watch out the trailers and the reviews to decide which one you see first! Below you have the Infographic summarising our choice.

Then just take a stand, watch these thrilling films, and leave a comment telling us what is your favourite!
